IMPALA’s Outstanding Contribution Award goes to the #LoveRecordStores campaign, co-founded by Jason Rackham, MD of [PIAS] UK

⇥ PUBLISHED ON 8 December, 2020

We are so proud to see the hard work behind 2020’s #LoveRecordStores campaign, co-founded and led by our very own Jason Rackham, recognised by IMPALA’s Outstanding Contribution Award. Quickly growing into an international movement, #LoveRecordStores has offered innovation and solidarity, driving revenues for record stores hit by the pandemic.


Started on social media as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded, Jason worked with Jeff Barrett (Heavenly Recordings), Rupert Morrison (Drift Record Shop), Andy Saunders (Velocity Communications), Tony Crean (Fleet River Music), and [PIAS] Art Director, Annelise Keestra, to get the campaign off the ground.

Right from the beginning, a huge range of artists including Elton John, Paul Weller and Kae Tempest rallied with the wider music community under the hashtag #LoveRecordStores to encourage music fans to support their local record stores. The campaign was hugely successful and ground-breaking, driven via digital marketing and social media.


Others who worked with Jason to make this ground-breaking initiative happen are:
Annelise Keestra, [PIAS] – brand and content direction
Andy Saunders, Velocity Communications – PR strategy
Tony Crean, Fleet River Music – marketing consultant
Jeff Barrett, Heavenly Recordings  – consultant
Rupert Morrison, Drift Records – retail consultant/online instore direction


And of course the independent artists & their teams, labels, and record stores who were part of #LoveRecordStores. Together they created a fantastic campaign that was by far one of the better things to happen in the music industry this year!



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